The next board meeting is March 27, 2025 at 6:30 as a Zoom meeting and it is PART 2 of the Annual Meeting.  Please see the information mailed to you from Watson.  If you are not able to attend n person, complete the proxy form and mail back to Watson's office.  

Please do your part to reduce paper use and postage. Sign up for Electronic mail today.

 Click Here


Important Reminders

The Annual Board meeting is scheduled for January 21, 2025 at 6:30 pm.  Board election will be conducted and new board positions selected.

The Regular Board meetings for 2025 are scheduled for the Third Tuesday in January, April, July and October at 6:30 pm on Zoom.  Contact Fran for a link to the meeting.

 If you are interested in being on the board, please contact Fran at Watson Realty


-Before you make any changes to your home such as landscaping, siding, roof or any appearance to your home you must go through the ACC review process.  The forms and instructions are available in the resources section of this site.  Homeowners will need to allow 30 days for the ACC to vote on the request.

-If you are considering painting the exterior of your house, you need to review the list of approved colors, our ACC Policy and Procedures, and file an ACC Exterior Change Request Form before you begin the project. This condition applies even if you intend to use the same colors the builder or previous owner used. A PDF file containing all approved colors can be found under the Resources tab above. You can purchase the approved paints at the Sherwin Williams (352-378-1384) located at 522 NE 23rd Ave, Gainesville, FL 32609-3637. 


Did You Know?

Mile Run East is a deed restricted community. There are specific restrictions listed in our Master Covenants. All homeowners are obligated to comply with these restrictions. You can download a copy of the Master Covenants on our Resources page.




Quarterly Meeting-January 21, 2025-6:30 PM.

                                                     Via Zoom 

                                                      pdf of meeting documents






Bill called the meeting to order directly after the Annual Meeting.



Quorum established, all Board Members were present, Bill Jordan, Wilson Bell, Ron Peabody, Gary Danford and Janet Phelps.  Fran and Susan represented Watson Association Management and homeowners attended: Charley Balanis, Krisi Adams, Jim Musselman, Pam Kissoondyal, Phillip David, George Thomas and Kevin Grundman.



Bill made a motion to approve the minutes, Wilson seconded, and all were in favor.



Sign was posted at the entrances on 1-17-25 and remained in place until 1-21-25



no report



Operating account balance is $27,893.63 and the reserve account balance is $154,708.31.  There is an $8000 deficit due to pool repairs.  The budget (except for the pool repairs) is in good standing.

Collections – 15 owners owe less than $100, 2 owners owe $100 to $200, 7 owners owe $200 to $600.  30-day letters have been sent and if not paid will be sent to the association’s attorney for collection procedures.

Bill made a motion to accept the financials as is and Gary seconded, all were in favor.



Continued playground equipment discussion –

quotes attached:

School Outfitters - $34,576.57

KortKat - $68,676.19

That 1 Painter - $2130.00 to repair and repaint

Kris Ethington $2000.00 to repair and repaint

Nidy $17775.00 repair 2 courts

Nidy $7950.00 repair 1 court

Nidy $4325.00 Resurface courts

Bill motioned to have Charley Balanis head a committee to shop vendors for playground equipment, Wilson seconded, and all were in favor.  Wilson also volunteered to join the committee.

Liability Claim – No update

Legislative update – Fran recommended that the board members look at the DBPR website for classes and certifications required of HOA board members.


8. Completed Business –

Silcox has fulfilled his obligation to correct the wall issues, and the final payment has been sent to him

Vines have been removed from the tennis courts

Gutter drain plates have been replaced in the pool

Reserves deposit completed for 2024

Coupon books mailed out with end of the year statements

Tree removed from common area

Replaced a sensor in the bathroom and 2 tube lights


9. New Business -

Assign 2025 board member positions – will be continued after the March 27 Annual meeting


10. Owner Comments –

Jim Musselman asked about the street repaving – Susan has been keeping up with this and has been in contact with the city.  They have fired the first 2 companies and are on the third one.  The work quality was poor, and Watson Association Management sent in complaints, Susan recommended that residents also send in complaints.  Mr. Musselman asked for contact information for the city representative Susan is working with to gather more info.

Mrs. Rabe asked Fran to get the homeowners to comply with the exterior maintenance standards, including tree trimming, weed control and roof maintenance.  Fran said that letters are sent to the homeowners.

Charley Balanis asked if the HOA considered repairing the playground equipment rather than replacing it.  Watson has been repairing it over the years, and she has 2 bids for another attempt to repair.  Now that Mr. Balanis is the head of the committee, he will look at all options.

Kevin Grundman suggested that a committee is put into place to review all bids and add a requirement to get at least 3 bids on all projects and renegotiate all contracts every 2 years.  Fran responded that she has been collecting at least 3 bids for each project and bringing them to the board for review. 

Charley Balanis suggested a Social Committee to plan community events and gatherings, notices would need to be mailed out or posted in public areas, a complete email list is not available for public use at this time.



The next quarterly board meeting is scheduled for April 22, 2025, at 6:30pm via Zoom.


***the continuation of the annual meeting is set for March 27, 2025, at 6:30 via Zoom.


Bill made a motion to adjourn, all were in favor.



ACC: Homeowners shall obtain written approval from the ACC before construction of
any building, fence, wall, mailbox or other improvement or structure shall be commenced,
erected, placed, moved, or maintained upon the property, or before any addition to or
change or alterations to the exterior or the color thereof are made.   The ACC shall
evaluate all such requests for harmony of external design, color, materials, and location
in relation to surrounding structures and environment and conformity with the design
concept of the community.  Homeowners shall comply with all restrictive covenants and
keep their lots mowed and properly maintained and shall repair their dwelling unit and
other improvements, keeping the same in a condition comparable to the condition of such
residence and other improvements at the time of its initial construction, excepting only
normal wear and tear. The following requests are within the covenants and have been approved by the Board:


6217 NW 36th          Roof replacement



To obtain ACC approval for construction, improvements, additions, changes alterations, submit a completed Request for Exterior Change form to the management



Respectfully submitted,

Janet Phelps Secretary