Annual Meeting-January 16, 2024-6:30 PM.
Zoom Meeting
1. Call to order by Bill Jordan, President at 6:31pm.
2. Roll Call and Establish Quorum: present: 5 board members present: Bill Jordan, Nathalie Fosse, Wilson Bell, Ron Peabody and Janet Phelps; Fran & Susan represented Watson Property Management.
Gary Danford, resident attended. After verification of proxies, a quorum was not achieved.
3. Proof of meeting: Notification of Monthly Meeting was displayed with signs at subdivision entrances as required 48-hours prior to meeting.
4. Financials: Attached
5. Next Meeting Schedule: Annual Meeting January 14, 2025 at 6:30 pm.
6. Motion to adjourn – Bill Jordan motioned to adjourn, and Nathalie seconded. All were in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Phelps Secretary