The next board meeting is March 27, 2025 at 6:30 as a Zoom meeting and it is PART 2 of the Annual Meeting.  Please see the information mailed to you from Watson.  If you are not able to attend n person, complete the proxy form and mail back to Watson's office.  

Please do your part to reduce paper use and postage. Sign up for Electronic mail today.

 Click Here


Important Reminders

The Annual Board meeting is scheduled for January 21, 2025 at 6:30 pm.  Board election will be conducted and new board positions selected.

The Regular Board meetings for 2025 are scheduled for the Third Tuesday in January, April, July and October at 6:30 pm on Zoom.  Contact Fran for a link to the meeting.

 If you are interested in being on the board, please contact Fran at Watson Realty


-Before you make any changes to your home such as landscaping, siding, roof or any appearance to your home you must go through the ACC review process.  The forms and instructions are available in the resources section of this site.  Homeowners will need to allow 30 days for the ACC to vote on the request.

-If you are considering painting the exterior of your house, you need to review the list of approved colors, our ACC Policy and Procedures, and file an ACC Exterior Change Request Form before you begin the project. This condition applies even if you intend to use the same colors the builder or previous owner used. A PDF file containing all approved colors can be found under the Resources tab above. You can purchase the approved paints at the Sherwin Williams (352-378-1384) located at 522 NE 23rd Ave, Gainesville, FL 32609-3637. 


Did You Know?

Mile Run East is a deed restricted community. There are specific restrictions listed in our Master Covenants. All homeowners are obligated to comply with these restrictions. You can download a copy of the Master Covenants on our Resources page.




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Landscape Maintenance and New Landscaping
 Florida Friendly Landscaping is acceptable, however, members must file a 
change request form with the ACC with plans before work begins so the 
materials and plants can be aproved.  Florida Friendly Landscaping needs 
routine weeding and mulch replacement.  Cypress Mulch may not be considered 
Florida Friendly since it requires distruction of indangered trees to produce.    


Mowing Lawns should be mowed at least bi-weekly during the prime growing
seasons of spring and summer (March-October) and on an as needed basis the rest
of the growing season so that the lawn has a manicured appearance.   All clippings
should be removed from streets, sidewalks, and driveways. Saint Augustine is the 
standard grass for Rosemont and Vista Palms. Other types of grass should not be 
planted or grown. 
All curbs, driveways, sidewalks and beds should be edged to maintain a manicured
appearance. Curbs, sidewalks and landscaping beds should be edged regularly to
prevent the grass from growing beyond the edge of the inside portion of the curb,
sidewalk or landscaping bed. All clippings should be removed from the street.
Lawns, trees and shrubs require fertilization, pest control and watering on a regular
basis.   Flower beds and other landscape beds must be weeded regularly.   For tips on
how to maintain a healthy lawn contact the Alachua County Cooperative Extension
Service at 352-955-2402.
It is the homeowner's responsibility to get the proper city permits and ACC approval
before removing any trees in this our community, and also to remove the stumps.  It
is also the homeowner's responsibility to remove dead shrubs, trees, and stumps.
It is the homeowner's responsibility to keep the foundation surrounding a home or
any other  structure (i.e., fences, electrical boxes, water meter covers, etc) free from
tall grass and weeds.   A tip for homeowners with fences - apply Roundup or some
equivalent product around fence line to prevent grass from growing through a fence.
Alternatively, place a narrow strip of mulch or decorative blocks, bricks, etc, near
the fence line to make trimming easier.
Any major landscaping project or major changes to existing landscaping, such as
planting new trees and  shrubs, must be approved by the ACC.   Supplementing flower
beds with seasonal planting (flowers) does not require approval.
Vegetable Gardens are not allowed unless planted in a backyard enclosed by a fence.
The growth of items within the vegetable