The Gainesville Land Development Code requires replanting two (2) trees for each regulated tree removed. If replacement trees are not planted with in 6 months, the permit will be turned over to Code Enforcement. If replacement trees die, they must be replanted. Replacement trees must be nursery-grown, at least 8’ tall (15gal) and 1.5” in caliper. Replacement trees at maturity must grow at least as tall as the tree(s) being removed [e.g. Removing an Oak requires two replacement trees that will reach at least 60’, acceptable species include Live Oak, Bluff Oak, Winged Elm, Southern Red Oak, Florida Maple, White Ash, Southern Magnolia]. Dogwoods or Crape Myrtles cannot be planted to mitigate an Oak, Sweetgum, or other large tree. Replacement trees should be planted on the same property.
Please go to the "links" page for permit form, instructions and mailing address.