The next board meeting is March 27, 2025 at 6:30 as a Zoom meeting and it is PART 2 of the Annual Meeting.  Please see the information mailed to you from Watson.  If you are not able to attend n person, complete the proxy form and mail back to Watson's office.  

Please do your part to reduce paper use and postage. Sign up for Electronic mail today.

 Click Here


Important Reminders

The Annual Board meeting is scheduled for January 21, 2025 at 6:30 pm.  Board election will be conducted and new board positions selected.

The Regular Board meetings for 2025 are scheduled for the Third Tuesday in January, April, July and October at 6:30 pm on Zoom.  Contact Fran for a link to the meeting.

 If you are interested in being on the board, please contact Fran at Watson Realty


-Before you make any changes to your home such as landscaping, siding, roof or any appearance to your home you must go through the ACC review process.  The forms and instructions are available in the resources section of this site.  Homeowners will need to allow 30 days for the ACC to vote on the request.

-If you are considering painting the exterior of your house, you need to review the list of approved colors, our ACC Policy and Procedures, and file an ACC Exterior Change Request Form before you begin the project. This condition applies even if you intend to use the same colors the builder or previous owner used. A PDF file containing all approved colors can be found under the Resources tab above. You can purchase the approved paints at the Sherwin Williams (352-378-1384) located at 522 NE 23rd Ave, Gainesville, FL 32609-3637. 


Did You Know?

Mile Run East is a deed restricted community. There are specific restrictions listed in our Master Covenants. All homeowners are obligated to comply with these restrictions. You can download a copy of the Master Covenants on our Resources page.




The Gainesville Land Development Code requires replanting two (2) trees for each regulated tree removed.  If replacement trees are not planted with in 6 months, the permit will be turned over to Code Enforcement.  If replacement trees die, they must be replanted.  Replacement trees must be nursery-grown, at least 8’ tall (15gal) and 1.5” in caliper.  Replacement trees at maturity must grow at least as tall as the tree(s) being removed [e.g. Removing an Oak requires two replacement trees that will reach at least 60’, acceptable species include Live Oak, Bluff Oak, Winged Elm, Southern Red Oak, Florida Maple, White Ash, Southern Magnolia]. Dogwoods or Crape Myrtles cannot be planted to mitigate an Oak, Sweetgum, or other large tree.  Replacement trees should be planted on the same property. 

Please go to the "links" page for permit form, instructions and mailing address.